Why sustainability is good for your business

The world is at a tipping point and things are changing. Fast. Customers and clients are expecting businesses to be more sustainable. And they expect your business to be able to help them lessen their own environmental impact and with their journey to net zero.


Businesses that are taking action now on their approach to the environment, people and ethical governance are positioning themselves to win the business of the future. Protecting their competitiveness and pulling ahead of their competitors.

It’s time for your business to act too. 

75% of consumers expect businesses to help them be greener and 83% say businesses should be doing more to be environmentally sustainable. Change is also being seen through supply chains. Many plcs and global companies now expect their suppliers to reach certain sustainability goals. Such as a commitment to achieving net zero carbon. For many businesses failing to act is now no longer an option. But for SMEs a lack of capacity and internal sustainability expertise is a huge barrier to action. This is where I can support you.

your employees care  

Being Green? Sustainability?

CSR - Corporate Social Responsibilty?

ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance?

Whatever you call it, doing business in a greener and more social responsible way is becoming increasingly important to your employees. Businesses with a CSR strategy have 50% lower staff turnover. By 2025 millennials will make up three-quarters of the workforce and according to research (CONE Communications) 64% of them won’t take a job at a company that doesn’t have strong social responsibility practices.  Is your business ready?  

Benefits of having a Sustainability or ESG strategy: 



B2B customers are increasingly setting targets for their suppliers eg achieving net zero carbon. Businesses need to hit these targets to win tenders and retain business.


Being green can boost sales for B2C businesses. And cost savings can add up quickly for all businesses from things like energy savings or packaging changes.



It will make your brand stand out and appeal to new and existing customers as consumer demand for ethical and green businesses increases.


Looking for more sustainable ways of doing things has led to some brilliant new product ideas for some companies. The need to find ways to do things differently leads to more creative thinking.


Why it really matters.  

You want to be competitive - taking a sustainable route will help you respond to your customers’ needs.

But there’s the heart stuff too. You’ll be a business pioneer for change.  Part of the solution not the problem.  You and your employees will be part of the movement to tackle climate change and the frightening loss of so much of our beautiful natural world. You’ll be creating a healthy future for our planet, children and wildlife and have a business you and your team can feel really proud of.

Email me today on georgina@ethicallybe.com to get started on your sustainability journey.