Georgina McLeod at home with Cosmo

My passion is working for a thriving planet that provides a healthy home for wildlife and us humans too! Businesses have a huge role to play in this positive future. I love to work with businesses to help them work out how they can operate in balance with the planet, do good things for people and make a great profit.

Since founding EthicallyBE I’ve had the privelege of working on sustainability with businesses from vastly differing sectors of the economy. Including over 30 companies across the construction supply chain, through Brickability Group plc. Major brick and timber supplier Taylor Maxwell, the UK’s leading environmentally friendly paint brand Edward Bulmer Natural Paint and no-plastic-waste home essentials brand Splosh and most recently Berkmann Wine Cellars.


I spent the previous decade as a leader in national environmental organisations, partnering with amazing businesses helping them on this journey to do brilliant things.At the Woodland Trust I devised and delivered a project which planted 8 million trees for the Jubilee, working with hundreds of businesses and their customers to make a huge difference to the planet.  And got to do cool stuff like pop up on CBEEBIES! I worked with many of the most ethical businesses in the UK during my years as an Executive Director at the Soil Association. And I helped others to tackle their Corporate Social Responsibility by making change, developing innovative projects, partnerships and campaigns.


I’ve got 30 years of experience of strategy and planning, partnerships and project development, communications and marketing and change management. I love to coach and mentor and I hope, inspire people.

I truly believe that every business can make a difference, whether it’s by looking at the way they use their resources or supporting a mission out in the world. I can help you find ways to be genuinely more sustainable and talk about it so people get it. 

I try to live in the best way I can too – but like everyone, I don’t get it right all of the time. I live in a beautiful place on the edge of the Wye Valley and the Forest of Dean, with my husband and teenagers. We have two acres of land, which is an old quarry and quite stunning. I grow some of our food (with varying degrees of success) and host events including a small festival for friends and the local community. We also rent out our beautiful old vintage Mercedes ‘Cosmo’, which we renovated as part of a BBC makeover show ‘My Unique B&B’. You can see or even book him here

Whatever I do I’m deadly serious about working for a greener, healthier future. To make this possible we all need to work together. And despite the importance of the task, I want to make sure that everyone around me is able to learn and have some fun along the way.

So please do get in touch and talk to me about why you want or need a more sustainable business. I’d love to help.

“Georgina has helped Taylor Maxwell develop an ESG strategy and plan to take us through the next ten years of our business - with a focus on being carbon net zero by 2030. She is particularly strong in quickly understanding a business and its market, with a focus on commercial goals and maintaining competitiveness, whilst at the same time supporting us to transform into a more sustainable business. She has represented Taylor Maxwell externally at speaking events with some of our biggest customers and clients, including at the London Festival of Architecture in 2022. Her ability to influence, lead a project and integrate into a senior team has taken enormous pressure off internal resources. We continue to use Georgina as our internal ESG lead.”

Robbie Thompson, Director of Marketing, Taylor Maxwell



Next steps - get in touch to talk about how I can help your business or 07771 865449