Brickability Group plc is made up of 34 diverse companies in the construction supply chain, all new to sustainability. Over the past year Georgina has taken us on a journey which is beginning to transform our operation into one facing into a more sustainable future. From writing our ESG strategy and operational plan; to supporting our Board and senior team; ensuring we are compliant in our reporting to investors and Government; helping us build our internal sustainability knowledge; supporting our major sales tenders; inspiring our 600 through face-to-face workshops and helping us achieve Gold membership of the Supply Chain Sustainability School.  Georgina has integrated brilliantly into our leadership team and we have been delighted with her support. She now works with us as a retained consultant acting as our ESG lead. 

Paul Hamilton, Chief Operating Officer, Brickability Group plc

Georgina has helped Taylor Maxwell develop an ESG strategy and plan to take us through the next ten years of our business - with a focus on being carbon net zero by 2030. She is particularly strong in quickly understanding a business and its market, with a focus on commercial goals and maintaining competitiveness, whilst at the same time supporting us to transform into a more sustainable business. She has represented Taylor Maxwell externally at speaking events with some of our biggest customers and clients, including at the London Festival of Architecture in 2022. Her ability to influence, lead a project and integrate into a senior team has taken enormous pressure off internal resources. We continue to use Georgina as our internal ESG lead.

Robbie Thompson, Director of Marketing, Taylor Maxwell Ltd

Georgina has supported us on a number of projects over the past couple of years and always brings additional insight and depth to our team. Most recently she supported us in writing a sustainability manifesto for Edward Bulmer Natural Paints, providing an evidence base for our leading position in the natural paint market and confidently setting out our mission in the world. Her work also helped drive forward the continuing development and impact of our marketing materials and a new influencing campaign. We’re always delighted with Georgina’s work and I wouldn’t hesitate to use her again.

Emma Bulmer, Director, Edward Bulmer Natural Paint

Splosh is a leading environmentally friendly no-plastic home essentials brand. We worked with George over several months to develop a marketing strategy for the business, with a specific focus on re-branding our health & beauty range and enhancing our environmental messaging. George was outstanding throughout and not only helped us become far more structured in our marketing approach but also led a highly successful health & beauty brand re-launch. We would strongly recommend George and would happily use her again . 

Angus Grahame, Founder, Splosh

Earth Trust are an environmental charity, working to inspire people to address climate, biodiversity and wellbeing with the power of natural green spaces. Georgina supported us with our strategic communications and fundraising strategy.  Specifically our Case for Support, how we tell our story an building a movement for change with a citizen focus. Georgina quickly understood us and where we needed to make some strategic shifts, and delivered brilliantly. If you need support in defining and expressing your mission, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her. 

Verity Warne, Earth Trust

“Georgina is brilliantly creative, passionate about the issues and a strong strategic thinker - a rare combination!”

Tom MacMillan, Elizabeth Creak Chair in Rural Policy & Strategy, RAU; Research Director, RSA Food, Farming & Countryside Commission

If you’re an organisation that’s looking for a CSR guru then I can’t recommend Georgina enough. I had the pleasure of working with her when I was at Pukka Herbs on a joint campaign to drive awareness of organic food and farming. Georgina’s blend of creativity to achieve cut-through and understanding of our audiences led to a joint campaign that really delivered. Result: a campaign that won hearts and minds, ultimately helping to get more people buying organic for a better planet.”

Tom de Pass, Director of Marketing and Communications, NHS South, Central and West

“Quite simply Georgina is a firecracker and anyone would be lucky to have her guiding them through CSR. Georgina is a passionate, creative and innovative leader and this married with her environmental background make her the perfect CSR consultant. Georgina helps companies to find their heart and articulate their values and voice in an authentic way. I worked with her when the Soil Association went through a complete identity overhaul and re-brand and she created an innovative strategy of leadership and inclusion. It would be an honour and pleasure to work with Georgina again and I thoroughly recommend her!”

Emma Heesom, Chief Sayer, You Say Agency

“As a small business Corporate Social Responsibility isn’t something I had thought about really until I came across EthicallyBe, even though I care very much about the environment.  Georgina has helped me evaluate my sustainability and impact and also explore how I can give something back too – offering free electrical services to those in need or community groups (which has also resulted in great publicity locally).”

Alan Herbert, Owner, ARH Electrical

Take your first step towards a more sustainable business today and get in touch for a chat. or 07771 865449