Go deeper, go greener

I have supported leading environmental businesses and not-for-profits to deepen their green and ethical credentials and tell their story with impact.

From research, to writing a sustainability manifesto, mission statements and developing new propositions - I can help you build your brand further. And in a world full of green-washing, do it with integrity.


Georgina has supported us on a number of projects over the past couple of years and always brings additional insight and depth to our team. Most recently she supported us in writing a sustainability manifesto for Edward Bulmer Natural Paints, providing an evidence base for our leading position in the natural paint market and confidently setting out our mission in the world. Her work also helped drive forward the continuing development and impact of our marketing materials and a new influencing campaign. We’re always delighted with Georgina’s work and I wouldn’t hesitate to use her again.

Emma Bulmer, Director, Edward Bulmer Natural Paint

Splosh is a leading environmentally friendly no-plastic home essentials brand. We worked with George over several months to develop a marketing strategy for the business, with a specific focus on re-branding our health & beauty range and enhancing our environmental messaging. George was outstanding throughout and not only helped us become far more structured in our marketing approach but also led a highly successful health & beauty brand re-launch. We would strongly recommend George and would happily use her again . 

Angus Grahame, Founder, Splosh

Earth Trust are an environmental charity, working to inspire people to address climate, biodiversity and wellbeing with the power of natural green spaces. Georgina supported us with our strategic communications and fundraising strategy.  Specifically our Case for Support, how we tell our story an building a movement for change with a citizen focus. Georgina quickly understood us and where we needed to make some strategic shifts, and delivered brilliantly. If you need support in defining and expressing your mission, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her. 

Verity Warne, Earth Trust

Get in touch for a first chat about your business at georgina@ethicallybe.com or 07771865449. 

More ways to work with me: find out how I could help you with your strategy